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Blonde Porter


We wanted to deconstruct the flavor profile of a porter and recreate those flavors without using the traditional roasted malts to create a light blonde colored, full flavored beer. We used oats and wheat to build a full creamy body aged with coffee and chocolate for a rich roasted aroma and robust finish.

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Perrin Brewing Co

We are committed to crafting high quality and consistent beer with a leading-edge taste.

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1.5 lbs 80/20 Ground Beef
¼ cup lard
1/2 lbs of Diced hotdogs
8 saltine crackers
3 cubes of chicken bullion
2 Perrin Gold Ale cans
4 oz Ketchup
3 oz yellow mustard
1 Tbl Paprika
1 Tbl Garlic powder
1 Tbl Onion Powder
1 Tbl Chili Powder
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Tumeric
1 Tsp Black Pepper
1/2 Tsp Clove

Instructions –

  1. Cook Beef and diced hot dog down in lard on low heat until browned
  2. Strain left over oil from beef, then pulverize saltine crackers and combine with oil to make a roux in a separate pot or large pan.
  3. Boil Perrin Gold until the bubbles release, then add chicken bullion to make Beer Chicken stock.
  4. Add some stock to the roux to start making a sauce. When combined add to the meat.
  5. Add ketchup, mustard, and spices to the meat mixture and stir until combined.
  6. Add extra oil and Stock into the dish while it simmers for 1 hour.
  7. Separate half the chili and blend until pureed, then recombine.
  8. Simmer for 20 minutes salt and pepper to taste. Then ready to serve.

Grill hot dogs on a skillet, steam the buns and serve with chili, mustard and raw onion only.

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